Punta di Adine 2016 Bertinga

€ 48,95 (ohne MwSt.)
58,25 (inkl. MwSt.)

Punta di Adine 2016 <span>(Magnum)</span> <a href='/wein/italien/toskana/bertinga/'>Bertinga</a>

ohne MwSt. € 99,95
inkl. MwSt. € 118,94
Volume Magnum
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(max. 1)
Klassifiziering Cru Classe
Typ Rotwein
Marke Bertinga
Jahrgang 2016
Land Italien
Region Toskana
Traube Merlot, Sangiovese
Inhalt 0,75
Preis pro Liter 77,67 €
Zustand Perfekt
Label Perfekt
Trinkbar -2040
Vorrat 1
Zustand In Original Holzkiste
Label Perfekt

Professionelle Bewertungen

Robert Parker (93)

A pure expression of Sangiovese, the Bertinga 2016 Punta di Adine shows dark fruit, plum and dusty earth or toasted nuts with lots of density and dark saturation. There is a pretty earthy quality to this wine that ultimately distinguishes it in a crowd. Crushed flower, sweet spice, grilled herb and dusty chocolate appear at the back. Keep the wine cellared until your next post-pandemic party of T-bones and mushrooms on the grill. Production is 6,318 bottles, 150 magnums and 25 double magnums.

James Suckling (95)

The aromas to this small-production, single-vineyard wine are marvelous, changing all the time from crushed berries and flowers to black truffles and fresh mushrooms. Full body and polished and chewy tannins. It’s tight and shows excellence. Long and flavorful finish. Needs two or three years to come completely together and soften.

BOW (8.50)

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