Chambertin 2009 Armand Rousseau

Chambertin 2009 <a href='/wein/frankreich/burgund/burgund-cotes-de-nuits/armand-rousseau/'>Armand Rousseau</a>

ohne MwSt. € 2.495,00
inkl. MwSt. € 2.969,05
Volume 0,75l
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Klassifiziering Cru Classe
Typ Rotwein
Marke Armand Rousseau
Jahrgang 2009
Land Frankreich
Region Burgund, Cotes de Nuits
Traube Pinot Noir
Alcohol % 13%
Inhalt 0,75
Preis pro Liter 3.965,08 €
Zustand Perfekt
Label Perfekt
Trinkbar 2015-2035
Vorrat 0

Professionelle Bewertungen

Robert Parker (95)

The 2009 Chambertin is breathtaking in its beauty. It boasts gorgeous textural depth and richness in its eternal, endless layers of fruit. This is a totally seamless wine that captures the style of the year and the personality of the vineyard. A sweet note of cassis lingers on the finessed finish.

Jancis Robinson (18.50)

Now they have 2.55 ha thanks to a 0.4 ha parcel bought in July 2009 from Dom Belland of Santenay. They resold the rest immediately to St-Girard. Very fragrant rather than majestic. Solid and substantial and a definite step up from Clos de Bèze this year. Some solidity and on the finish there starts to be some exciting interplay between fruits and flowers – not what one normally expects of Chambertin! Good undertow. But in light register. (JR)

Jasper Morris (96)

Bright clear and pure colour with no especial depth. The nose just has that magical sense of balance to it that Rousseau seems to achieve year in year out. Discreet, understated, fine. The harmony is there, though the fruit comes through a little bit soft, a little bit understated. Raspberry cordial finish.

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