Hudson Vineyard Syrah 2020 Kongsgaard

€ 189,00   - € 159,00 (ohne MwSt.)
189,21 (inkl. MwSt.)
Kongsgaard - Hudson Vineyard Syrah 2020
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Klassifiziering Cru Classe
Typ Rotwein
Marke Kongsgaard
Jahrgang 2020
Land Vereinigte Staten
Region Napa Valley
Traube Syrah/Shiraz
Inhalt 0,75
Preis pro Liter 252,28 €
Zustand Perfekt
Label Perfekt
Trinkbar -2040
Vorrat 7

Professionelle Bewertungen

BOW (8.50)

Vinous (91)

The 2020 Syrah Hudson Vineyard is another huge, hulking wine from John and Alex Kongsgaard. Black fruit, leather, spice, incense and black pepper all saturate the palate. This potent, virile Syrah packs a huge punch. Swaths of tannin enshroud a core of black fruit, chocolate, lavender, spice and dried herbs. There's not a ton of subtlety here. Let's see how this ages.

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