Vintage Port 2018 Taylor

€ 79,00 (ohne MwSt.)
94,01 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Klassifiziering NV
Typ Likorwein
Marke Taylor
Jahrgang 2018
Land Portugal
Region Duero
Traube Port Blend
Inhalt 0,75
Zustand Perfekt
Label Perfekt
Trinkbar 2028-2070
Vorrat 11

Professionelle Bewertungen

Robert Parker (95)

The 2018 Vintage Port is a field blend aged for approximately 18 months in very old and large wooden vats. It comes in with 100 grams of residual sugar. This is the third straight declaration (2016, 2017 and this 2018) of a classic Vintage Port for Taylor's. Of those three, this so far would be my least favorite, but it's close and time will tell. Aromatic and expressive, this adds a big bang for a finish that reminds you that it is, indeed, Taylor's. After opening it on the first day tasted, it tightened fast and showed the structure I like to see in serious Ports. It has that classic flavor profile as well and shows fine concentration. Even 48 hours later it had no problem showing off a little muscle, even though it drank decently at that point. The fruit is expressive, as noted, but it is still a bit closed just now.

Winespectator (96)

Remarkably harmonious already, with a beautiful display of unadulterated blueberry, blackberry and plum sauce flavors that fan out, while anise, ganache and cassis accents fill in. So lush and seductive through the finish, it’s nearly drinkable. But just wait.

BOW (8.75)

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