Gevrey-Chambertin Champerrier Vieilles Vignes 2021 Domaine Tortochot

€ 51,95 (ohne MwSt.)
61,82 (inkl. MwSt.)
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(max. 27)
Klassifiziering Cru Classe
Typ Rotwein
Marke Domaine Tortochot
Jahrgang 2021
Land Frankreich
Region Burgund, Cotes de Nuits
Traube Pinot Noir
Inhalt 0,75
Zustand Perfekt
Label Perfekt
Trinkbar 2024-2038
Vorrat 27

Professionelle Bewertungen

BOW (8)

Jancis Robinson (16.50)

Some sweetness and some delicacy – what's not to like?! Real energy here. Very forward. Very long. I could enjoy this tonight – almost worryingly so.

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