Rosso di Montalcino Sogni e Follia 2016 Podere le Ripi

€ 22,95 (ohne MwSt.)
27,31 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Klassifiziering NV
Typ Rotwein
Marke Podere le Ripi
Jahrgang 2016
Land Italien
Region Toskana
Inhalt 0,75
Zustand Perfekt
Label Perfekt
Trinkbar -2030
Vorrat 11

Professionelle Bewertungen

Robert Parker (92)

Similar to the Brunello Amore e Magia, the more accessible Podere le Ripi 2016 Rosso di Montalcino Sogni e Follia shows a beautiful dark ruby color with purple highlights. The bouquet is also very direct and raw, and even a touch carbonic in character. This adds to the wine's overall intensity and brightness. Red cherry, raspberry and bitter almond rise with strength and determination. Fruit for this wine comes from a six-hectare property on the west side of Montalcino, in the Camigliano or Pian delle Vigne area, with sandy limestone soils and some alluvial elements. This Rosso is aged in large oak casks and then goes into cement for a few months for final integration. Some 25,000 bottles were made. The wine was bottled in September 2018 and hit the market in January 2020.

James Suckling (92)

This is an enticing wine with dark cherries, orange peel, lemons, rosemary and thyme, as well as walnut undertones. Round and foursquare, but still quite juicy, it delivers lots of soft fruit across a more serious backbone of tannins.

BOW (8)

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