Cote Roti La Mouline 2014 Guigal

€ 239,00 (ohne MwSt.)
284,41 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Klassifiziering Cru Classe
Typ Rotwein
Marke Guigal
Jahrgang 2014
Land Frankreich
Region Rhone
Inhalt 0,75
Zustand Perfekt
Label Perfekt
Trinkbar 2020-2045
Vorrat 6

Professionelle Bewertungen

Robert Parker (97)

Still aging in barrel, the 2014 Cote Rotie La Mouline is really charming, sexy stuff. Soaring florals emerge from the glass, accompanied by notes of dark fruit, espresso and grilled meat. Silky and seductive, it should drink well young yet be capable of developing for 20 years.

BOW (9)

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